< Peace Convergence media alert 16 June 2015


Media Release 15 June 2015

Media alert: Peace activists gear up in Rockhampton
for resistance to the Talisman Sabre war rehearsals

Peace Convergence 2015 will be the sixth gathering of peace activists from all over Australia, converging on the Talisman Sabre 'war rehearsals' at Shoalwater Bay, a coastal wilderness area at the southern end of our world heritage Great Barrier Reef.

Graeme Dunstan, 'captain' of the Peacebus has arrived in Rockhampton to prepare for his fifth Peace Convergence. Along with the late Bryan Law, Graeme was arrested for disabling a new Australian Army Tiger Attack helicopter during the Talisman Sabre 2011.

'This will be my fifth Talisman Sabre season so I have a lot of friends in Rockhampton. There are lots of people in Rocky who are unhappy about the endless wars which the US alliance has led us into.' Graeme said.

Graeme describes Peace Convergence as a celebration of peace and war resistance. It's program will include speakouts, debates, concerts, parades, protests, blockades and 'Peace Pilgrim' intrusions onto the Shoalwater Exercise Area, all aimed at disrupting the 'war rehearsals' and creating counter narratives to highlight the cost of the U.S. - Australia military alliance.

First up Graeme is painting a new mural for his Peacebus. It's message is strong:  'No more U.S. wars'.

The mural is being painted at Havachat, a community drop in centre and arts workshop at 20 East Street, Rockhampton.

Havachat will the organising base for Peace Convergence HQ.

"We are making banners, placards, lanterns, a couple of backpack puppets for street theatre and generally organising events for the peace convergence. People are imvited to drop by, say hello and have a chat about what we are doing and how they feel about the wars," Graeme said.

Further information
Graeme Dunstan 0407 951 688

Here Chris "Pineapple" Hooper, the proprietor of Havachat, out back in East Lane trialing the a rickshaw which he has acquired and repaired. There is Peacebus in residence and the damage to the roof caused by Cyclone Marcia.


Past campaigns of Peacebus.com

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Doing best we can.
For peace! For justice! For the Earth!